Sunday, August 07, 2005

Drunken Man Challenges God to Arm-Wrestling Contest

At eleven thirty three last night, in Iowa City's Deadwood tavern, local drunk Clyde Duffman made a formal challenge to the Christian God for an arm wrestling contest. Duffman, whose record stands at 35-7 in drunken barroom arm wrestling, was flush with victory after just defeating fellow Iowa City binge drinker Homer Plym. Slamming his half full bottle of Budweiser on the bar repeatedly, Duffman declared himself to be the "Galactic Champion" of arm-wrestling. Shortly afterward he made his formal challenge to the Architect of the Universe.
"If there is a God, I can kick his ass in arm-wrestling, no problem! Come on down! What's up? Let's go, God, lets see what you got!"
Others present in the bar noted that Duffman was in a highly suggestable state, having consumed three shots of vodka and fourteen beers in a two hour period. Nonetheless, sports columnist Shamus Olstead claims the challenge stands.
"In barroom arm-wrestling of this nature, the level of intoxication involved in a challenge being made has no bearing on its validity. If it did there would be no arm-wrestling by drunks. As it stands God has been challenged. It now remains to be seen if he intends to step up and defend his title. If he doesn't within a reasonable period of time, say, six weeks or so, the sporting community has no choice but to acknowledge Duffman as the Universe's champion arm wrestler."
Odds in Las Vegas currently favor God in such a contest, though Duffman has moved up slightly with the bookmakers since news broke that he just bought a Bowflex.


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